KURSIVA - NASTY VIPKURSIVA is back with a seriously naughty VIP that is nastier than NASTY...

KURSIVA is back with a seriously naughty VIP that is nastier than NASTY. A huge sounding rework from the talented Spanish producer that follows up from where he left off with his last instalment on BAD TASTE - Big Tune. Always bringing a positive energy that has been present from the very start of his adventure, with the life of sound flowing in all directions, delivering something new and exciting to our reality. Now fully on the flip side of lockdown, he surges forward with an unworldly talent, raising the bar with every passing moment. It all becomes clear as we enter this new age. Non-diluted - Punk - here to make you dance. In a world of fake media where history is written by outsiders, not all that shines is golden. For the sake of what we love, here is NASTY VIP.
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